
Showing posts from April, 2019

I'm Still Here

Okay y'all. I know, I've been sort of MIA for a minute. And I sincerely apologize for that!! What have I been up to?? Looking for a house!! and work...and the babies. That pretty much sums it up I think?  Our original plan was to buy a forever home when we moved back to our home state but the fact that we hadn't sold our house in New Mexico meant...waiting. So, we've been in a rental for almost a year now and I've pretty much been over it since the day we moved in...I wish I were kidding. Living in any sort of home attached to someone else's house or yard...that's not for me guys. I need a home in the country where it's quiet and I can raise my kids and some animals in peace!  So we're on the hunt and have been looking at houses weekly. Then I have to catch up on my work and make sure my house doesn't stay a mess and the kids don't kill each other! So as you can tell, it's been a bit crazy and I am so sorry I haven't had time to w