Let's GLOW!

So this past weekend I traveled to Nashville, TN to attend a conference that was geared toward personal and professional growth. Let me tell you, it was AMAZING!!!
First of all...the hotel! The conference was held at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville. Go ahead, google it I'll wait here for you to check it out. Not one, or two but THREE atrium's inside with so many restaurants and shops!!! Okay, seriously I could go on and on about this place...but I'll save you the time and get to why we're really here. What did I get out of this conference and experience?? Glad you asked!!

Okay for one thing the amazing keynote speakers were reason enough to head down to Nashville. If you don't know who Rachel Hollis or Nicole Walters is, are you even on planet Earth?! Haha. They are both powerful entrepreneurial women, who are so so inspirational to me. So first on the stage was Rachel. I have read "Girl Wash Your Face" and I'm just starting on her newest book "Girl Stop Apologizing". GOLD. If you haven't read them...go...now and get you a copy...buy or borrow...but read them y'all. So much inspiration. She talks about not comparing yourself with others. And to stop faking it and to be your authentic self!! And y'all..I GOT TO MEET HER!  I know, the pictures not the best but it''s the one I got! She was just as nice in person as she seems online and in her writing!<3

Then there's Nicole Walters. I mean C'mon...she quit her six figure job LIVE online, to work her own business and be her own boss!!!   Could she GET anymore inspiring?! So brave and so wise and I can tell you right now, if you are looking to grow your business go find her podcast or her 1K1Day program!! She reminded me to trust myself and my products because I truly do believe in my products and my business. She reminded me why I started and that I need to keep working toward my goals. "What matters to you should be on the other side of fear" So if it's not challenging you, are you working toward something or just settling?? Be consistent in life professionally and personally. Be YOURSELF. 

I got so much value from this trip. It reignited the fire I have for reaching the goals that have and can set for myself in all aspects of my life. Being around 1,000 women that think like me was so inspiring and refreshing! I am so thankful for the leader of the team I work under for putting this huge amazing event together for all of us. Such an amazing time for growth and inspiration. And thank YOU for being here and supporting me and reading my blog posts every week!! I hope you got some sort of value from this.  


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