One of My Favorite Things

So there I was a mom of a two and a half and an almost one year a definite slump with my makeup, and daily routines. I was usually at home with my hair in a crazy messy bun and didn't even know the first thing about makeup other than putting liquid foundation on and a basic eyeliner look.

A friend of mine from church was hosting a makeup class that was completely online with a makeup artist/color match expert. I watched the videos and paid attention to all she was telling me and I still wasn't sure it was for me so I didn't buy anything. Then my friend had another class that was online about a month later...I was super interested in the technique and type of makeup she was using was so unique I was like I need to try this out!!!

So I got with the woman that was doing the makeup demonstrations to set up a time for her to try the makeup on me...y'all I LOVED it!!! I can't say enough how much I loved it. It literally is so light you barely feel it on your skin! It's all creams so you just put foundation colors everywhere except the areas you put contour and blush and it all blends together PERFECTLY!!

I have never been so excited about makeup in my life!! I felt confident that I could replicate the look she taught me after only ONE makeover. I felt the most beautiful I had felt in a long time(remember the mom slump I talked about earlier). So I immediately said I'd host my own class when she asked if I was interested because I thought everyone NEEDS this makeup!! It's light weight, easy to use, and not expensive like other name brand makeups!!

I could go on and on about why I love it! But I'm not sure there is enough room in one blog post!! haha So here's the thing. I've NEVER been one to join MLM EVER. I didn't like the way I was approached to buy the products and just didn't feel comfortable "selling" to people I know. BUT when I was brought the opportunity to join what I think is one of the greatest companies out there...I said YES! I don't regret it one bit, because this experience has given me confidence I never knew I had and helped me see I can do so many things that I didn't believe was possible because I'm a stay at home mom. Or because I literally knew nothing about makeup a year ago.

So no, I'm not telling you about the makeup to be like "hey buy from me buy from me". I wanted you to read my honest review of the makeup and experience and let you decide for yourself if you wanted to give it a shot. Or even join our team!! I get no money for signing people under me or anything like that, but if you feel called to join in the experience for yourself send me a message girl!! I'd be happy to answer ANY and all questions. But a color match is always free if you'd just like to see what colors are perfect for you if/when you want to buy. And hosting a class yourself helps earn you free makeup and who doesn't want in on that?! 

Anyway if you're still with me, thank you, really.  I sincerely hope you are enjoying my blog posts!
Please leave comments of topics you'd like me to post!
I'd love to hear from my readers so even shoot me an email if you'd rather not comment!! Stay tuned for my future posts!!

Here's my link if you'd like to check out our awesome products for those that have stuck with me here and are a bit curious! <3


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