
Applying Technology for Effective Assessment in Classrooms

Well hey there readers! For those of you that don't know, I am in school studying to become an educator. Today I'll be discussing one thing that I've learned in my technology in education class that will help with assessment in my future classroom.I have learned about all types of tools that we as educators can use for assessment in the classroom. But one that stood out to me was creating online quizzes that students can take! Using the assessment as learning approach students are able to see others responses once completed and compare and contrast each others learning to come to a better understanding of the subject matter. Using this tool frequently through the course (beginning, middle and end) will help students and teacher see where they are, in regards to the learning goals they've set for themselves. The website that I would use to create these quizzes is "Socrative" with Google Drive. It is a great tool for teachers to quickly gather information about

Let's Glow Together

Does your makeup make you look like you're glowing? Do you feel more beautiful than you ever have? Does it accentuate your beautiful features that have always been there?! If you've answered no to any of these...first of all IM SORRY. Secondly I'm glad I found you, or rather, YOU found me! You should feel beautiful no matter what..BUT there's just something about having your makeup done WELL and thinking "dang girl I look fantastic" knowing you did that is even better. And the beauty of this makeup is you can get a flawless 3D look in under 10 minutes...say WHAT?! YES girl, YES.  So how can I help you? Well I'm glad you asked. I am a virtual makeup artist meaning- you send me a photo with no makeup NATURAL light. And by natural light I mean indirect sunlight through a window. I then will match you with your perfect hightlight(skin tone color) color, contour color and let you choose lip+cheek and illuminator based on your preference to more natural

I'm Still Here

Okay y'all. I know, I've been sort of MIA for a minute. And I sincerely apologize for that!! What have I been up to?? Looking for a house!! and work...and the babies. That pretty much sums it up I think?  Our original plan was to buy a forever home when we moved back to our home state but the fact that we hadn't sold our house in New Mexico meant...waiting. So, we've been in a rental for almost a year now and I've pretty much been over it since the day we moved in...I wish I were kidding. Living in any sort of home attached to someone else's house or yard...that's not for me guys. I need a home in the country where it's quiet and I can raise my kids and some animals in peace!  So we're on the hunt and have been looking at houses weekly. Then I have to catch up on my work and make sure my house doesn't stay a mess and the kids don't kill each other! So as you can tell, it's been a bit crazy and I am so sorry I haven't had time to w

Artist Program!

There really is no REAL excuse as to why I haven't posted in awhile so how about i just skip past that and get to the point of why we're all here. As you know I'm work for an amazing makeup company(more like sister tribe). Maskcara Beauty has changed my life in so many ways. I have WAY more confidence. I'm happier with all aspects of my life and I know, it's weird to say a makeup and company did that but it did!! Every artist is so uplifting we aren't competitive in any way and I always feel encouraged coming to anyone for help.  Angel-Illuminator So I've told you about how the makeup is the easiest makeup I've ever used. It also gives me the most finished, contoured look with less products and certainly less time. Not to mention anyone and I mean ANYONE can learn and teach others how to use this makeup as well!! Sound too good to be true for a makeup to be that quick and still look amazing? Well believe it sister because this stuff is for sure w

Let's GLOW!

So this past weekend I traveled to Nashville, TN to attend a conference that was geared toward personal and professional growth. Let me tell you, it was AMAZING!!! First of all...the hotel! The conference was held at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville. Go ahead, google it I'll wait here for you to check it out. Not one, or two but THREE atrium's inside with so many restaurants and shops!!! Okay, seriously I could go on and on about this place...but I'll save you the time and get to why we're really here. What did I get out of this conference and experience?? Glad you asked!! Okay for one thing the amazing keynote speakers were reason enough to head down to Nashville. If you don't know who Rachel Hollis or Nicole Walters is, are you even on planet Earth?! Haha. They are both powerful entrepreneurial women, who are so so inspirational to me. So first on the stage was Rachel. I have read "Girl Wash Your Face" and I'm just starting on her newest bo

Staying On Track!!

Y'all it has been HARD to stay on track with eating right lately!! This new year has brought stress, and when I'm stressed I eat. ALL. THE. FOOD. I kept getting back to keto only for about a week to then get so stressed by Friday I just ordered pizza. THEN I got pretty much the worst cold ever for an entire weekend and wasn't about to get up and cook so I ate horribly. I'm definitely not condoning eating badly when you're stressed it is just what has happened with me lately.  So here I am more determined than ever to stick to eating better and losing the weight I would like to lose!! My goal is to ultimately be at a healthy BMI and feel better about myself. Can I get an amen from those who know it's all about FEELING better?!! I'll make a post later about what I do as workouts but this one I'm making about a couple of the recipes I've made lately and have LOVED!! They are also husband approved! Haha Cream Cheese Keto Pancakes 2 Eggs 2oz Cre

Double-ended Makeup Brushes

So I've told you a little bit about  Maskcara's revolutionary makeup right?! Well this post is about one of the most important tools to use for any makeup...the brushes! Not only are they amazingly soft, they are double ended y'all!! Yeah, that's right you read that correctly. TWO for the price of one!!!  The fact that Cara put so much thought into the quality and look of these brushes means SO much. They are gold in the middle with rose gold ends before the beautiful soft brushes. There are NINE brushes available now, but with them being double ended that makes 18 brushes!!!  Since the IIID Foundation is all cream makeup these brushes were made to give you a flawless glowing look, and are perfect for the creams! My favorite for applying the highlight and contour is the Detail HAC and my favorite for eye shadows is the new Blend and Tap brush!! If you have any questions about any of the brushes go ahead and send me an email and we can talk all things makeup!! If you